Here's lookin at you kid...

Here's lookin at you kid...
The eyes are the windows to the soul...

Friday, 22 July 2011

Hub Pages? Nah, not this time!

This is the Hub I published earlier today. It has been rejected by hubpages for 'violation' of their Terms of Use... yeah yeah yeah...

Day 2 - 21st July

Well I had a lot of encouragement yesterday because of the Hub and the subject. I'm not sure if everyone believes it will be a success but I'm determined to give it my very best effort.
Yesterday: I wrote around 2600 words on Blood... on the Moon and I 'found' a piece that I'd written a number of weeks ago but I'll not count the 3000 words of that in with my totals as I'm not going to touch that until the editing phase.
I have also got a short story to write for New Writers UK Anthology which is also due to be launched on Oct 7th & 8th at the Book Festival at West Bridgford, Notthingham and last night I wrote 700+ words on that, so in total, 3000+ words were achieved... I hope I'm going to get some slack on my total then?
I am grateful for the encouraging words I've been sent and for the generous offer of a celebratory bottle of champers for the launch event - so thank you for that!
I was writing until 2am this morning and it would seem that sometimes, that's when I do my best work and the time certainly flies in the wee small hours.
Today I have started on my coursework and so I'm pleased with what I've done so far today. I am just about to start writing again and it will probably be another long night.

If you'd like to see this from the start, here's the first:

The email from Hub pages:
HubPages is not like a traditional blog site, where you publish journal-type entries. Hubs can contain some personal content, but should be interesting, useful, and easily understandable to someone who does not know you personally.
Your Hub has been unpublished, giving you the opportunity to revise it. When you are ready to have HubPages review it again, please edit it and click the "Submit for Publication" button. We will then review your Hub and publish it if it appears finished.  You will then get an email saying that the Hub has been cleared for publication and republished.

Here are examples of high-quality Hubs that you might want to take a look at:

I'm not really bothered about looking at 'some other interesting Hubs' I've done some quite nifty ones myself. If the Hub that would have taken a journey towards a finished novel from scratch is not suitable, then PfffffffffffffffffffffffT! I'll publish my journey here and add the link to the Hub page day by day.

In the words of Victor Meldrew "I don't beleeeeeeeeeeeeeve it!"

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